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The biggest challenge of our time is...
...now your greatest opportunity.
The pandemic presents a rare chance to reset your business for 'wild' growth.
What about doubling profit every 3 years, working only half the time?
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5 ways to test your big ‘post COVID-19′ business ideas. It’s time!

We have arrived at the third marker!!! And, we’re all desperate to get back into life! Come on! Who wouldn’t be? Restrictions are easing off enough for businesses of most shapes and sizes to re-open doors and start looking to the future. Many pubs, clubs, cafes and restaurants are re-opening. Office workers are being phased […]

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Flying passed the Second Marker and hurtling towards the Third

Time is running short to consider how to make the most of this unique opportunity to transform our business for a better future. Things have turned very quickly. Only a few weeks ago, we were expecting to be in lockdown for six months. Now the worry is whether restrictions will be lifted too fast! We […]

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